You Have Been Bestowed with Ingenuity, Gifted with Natural Resources, and Introduced to Companions to Uplift You. These are Your Blessings: It’s Up to You to Embrace Them.

Sleep won’t help if it’s your soul that is tired.

Someone needs to hear this: You cannot save anyone who is not willing to participate in their OWN RESCUE.

At some point you have to let toxic people go before they destroy all the nice out of you. Silence is always better than unnecessary drama. Crazy how minding your own business drives toxic people nuts.

If you are worn out of having to be “THE BIGGER PERSON” stop dealing with small thinking people. You don’t look for the good in people. You look for the truth of God in people. A dead battery cannot jump a dead battery. Get away from people who can’t charge your spiritual maturity when you need a jump. The best people show up unexpectedly, trust God. God can send His angels to guide and protect you, just ask. Refer to Matthew 7:7 and Psalm 91:11 as a companion to this message.

Believe God for BIG things.


To Mentor is to Live an Inspirational and Conscientious Life, Not to Take on Another’s Burden. You Must Feed the Fire of Personal Success.


An Honest Life Leads to a Richness of the Soul. Earthly Treasures are Finite and Fleeting, but Spiritual Wealth is Everlasting