To Mentor is to Live an Inspirational and Conscientious Life, Not to Take on Another’s Burden. You Must Feed the Fire of Personal Success.

Always SPEAK less than necessary. PATIENCE is also a superpower.

Sometimes your greatest hurt will come from someone you have helped. God has a very unique plan just for you.

Declare: “ I am willing to work on myself over this.”

You can’t change one person. You have grown beyond the limits that others have put on you, that’s why some cannot celebrate you. When God says touch not my anointed, TRUST He has you protected.

Success hits different when you go through years to achieve it. Why? Because all of your habits decided on your future. Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.

Repeat: “Thou shall not stress over inconsistent people.”

STOP planting flowers in the yards of people who won’t water them. Pray attention. Just be consistent; that’s another superpower. Truth tellers never mind being questioned. Mark 9:23, “All things are possible for one who believes.”

Mindset is EVERYTHING.


Be Dynamic, Never Stagnant, In Your Expedition to Enlightenment. While You May Leave Behind Those Not Yet at Your Pace, You Become the Forerunner Clearing the Path for Who Comes Next


You Have Been Bestowed with Ingenuity, Gifted with Natural Resources, and Introduced to Companions to Uplift You. These are Your Blessings: It’s Up to You to Embrace Them.