Be Dynamic, Never Stagnant, In Your Expedition to Enlightenment. While You May Leave Behind Those Not Yet at Your Pace, You Become the Forerunner Clearing the Path for Who Comes Next

The more you like yourself, the less you’ll need others to. The successful prayer warrior is the average man with a laser focus on the Holy Spirit.


Be great, but stay grateful.

Note: Distance yourself from people who bring out the person you no longer want to be. Do not hold grudges.

It is okay to remember facts tied with forgiveness. When you finally drop all the excuses, you will pick up healthy results and relationships.

Be understanding and be forgiving. But do not be a fool. Stay so busy that you have no time for sadness. Never make fun of your friends to impress anyone. When you are wrong apologize.

Never be ashamed of your story. It will inspire OTHERS. You’re not struggling, you’re just between blessings. The right things will never have you wondering. Your spiritual maturity attracts your tribe.


In Reticence and Thoughtfulness, Prayers Become Sonorous. It is Amongst the Trivial and Unnecessary Expression That Creates Cacophony


To Mentor is to Live an Inspirational and Conscientious Life, Not to Take on Another’s Burden. You Must Feed the Fire of Personal Success.