An Honest Life Leads to a Richness of the Soul. Earthly Treasures are Finite and Fleeting, but Spiritual Wealth is Everlasting

Let’s pray to choose our friends wisely. “Better for a poor man to walk in integrity than a rich man who is twisted in his speech and is a shortsighted fool.” - Proverbs 19:1.

Wisdom silently tells us to wait a while so our deadly emotions settle down before we open our BIG mouth. Step back and pause, do not make a rash decision on who is trying to hurt you with deadly toxic emotions. Just wait a moment. Quickly ask the Holy Spirit for His guidance and wisdom.

Proverbs 19:11 says when we ourselves use godly wisdom and good common sense, we realize what is truly happening, we will not act like a fool and be angered or provoked. “It’s better to be a poor man than a wealthy liar.” - Proverbs 19:22b.

Listen to the counsel, and receive instruction, and accept correction, that you may be wise in your thoughts and speaking. Blessed are the poor in spirit. “Good sense and discretion make a man slow to anger.” - Proverbs 19: 11.

Wisdom is patience.


You Have Been Bestowed with Ingenuity, Gifted with Natural Resources, and Introduced to Companions to Uplift You. These are Your Blessings: It’s Up to You to Embrace Them.


Sheath Your Sword of Vengeance: It is Time to be a Scholar Versus That of a Combatant