Sheath Your Sword of Vengeance: It is Time to be a Scholar Versus That of a Combatant

Do not complain in your pain. “Blows that wound cleanse away evil, and strokes reach to the innermost parts.” - Proverbs 20:30. “The spirit [consciousness] of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching and examining all the innermost parts of his being.” - 1 Corinthians 2:11.

You need the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Mans’ steps are ordered and ordained by the Lord. Ask God to order your steps daily through earnest prayer. “Do not repay evil. Wait expectantly for the Lord, and He will rescue and save you.” - Proverbs 20:22.

All plans are established by the Lord. “It is an honor for a man to keep away from strife by handling all situations with thoughtful foresight. But any fool will start a quarrel without regard for consequences.” - Proverbs 20:3.

Just remember that the Lord holds all power to change things through your prayer, life and your faith in God - never through bad mouthing, finger pointing, gaslighting, judgment, anger, or gossip. Once you realize this, you will zip the lip during quarrelsome conversations. Do not spread your opinions either.

Live amongst those who will not cast the first stone of anything. For we are all sinners saved by the grace of God. And it is a FREE Gift not of ourselves, lest any man shall boast. Do not boast, for that is foolish pride.


An Honest Life Leads to a Richness of the Soul. Earthly Treasures are Finite and Fleeting, but Spiritual Wealth is Everlasting


You Were Made With Purpose and Flair Beyond Comprehension. Embrace Your Savvy to be Unstoppable in His Design