You Were Made With Purpose and Flair Beyond Comprehension. Embrace Your Savvy to be Unstoppable in His Design

God knows what everyone is gifted with, and we don’t. I am more of a believer of seeing What Others Bring to The Table! God can work out the rest of the details!

All you have to do is mind your own business and allow the Lord to work it all out in His miracle way. He is the WAY MAKER, not the deal breaker.

Hallelujah Jesus!

Declare: I Am Set Free! Stop the naysayers negativity, now!

Why curse a situation that God can use and bless? God’s ways are higher than ours. And so is His thinking. After all, He did create YOU and me, with all our flaws, and He still used us?

Get rid of self-righteousness; that spirit has to bow down and flee. The Holy Spirit will not stay around a self-righteous seeker.


This is for you and, of course, it is for me too. We all have work to do on our soul, man. And it is a daily occurrence for the heavenly MINDSET! It seriously is not just about you or me. It is all about the supernatural Holy Spirit laced with scripture. “You just cannot fulfill your day or destiny doing things the old, fleshly way.” - Galatians 5:22-23.

Declare: “Salt & Light is who I Am!”

There is good in everyone, just like we all have dirt. You have to do the work in the Holy Spirit. We all have WORK to Do!


Sheath Your Sword of Vengeance: It is Time to be a Scholar Versus That of a Combatant


Both Defeat and Hardship are Illusions of the Mind, For You Walk the Path to Victory When You Follow His Passage. It Will Never Feel Effortless, but the Reward is Glorious