Both Defeat and Hardship are Illusions of the Mind, For You Walk the Path to Victory When You Follow His Passage. It Will Never Feel Effortless, but the Reward is Glorious

Get back up and on your feet this Sunday morning.

You are a prayer warrior; you are not defeated, you have just begun!

God is in your story for His Glory. Get back up.

Declare out loud every morning: “I am blessed, I am healed, I am delivered, I am set free. I am directed by the Holy Spirit. I am a mighty man, or I am a mighty woman of God, and I declare that no weapon form against me will prosper in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. For I am blessed and highly favored by the Lord of Jesus Christ to take authority over my day in Jesus name to be everything God created me to be. He says, I am fearfully, and wonderfully made by Him to perform His work through me. In Jesus name I give God all the glory for everything He has already done and I give Him thanks and I am staying grateful for what he will do in Jesus name.”

The harder road is the BEST One to take. On that road you will learn that silence is golden, to rise above others’ opinions, that kindness always wins, and that your smile is your logo. Becoming a better you is always a WIN on the tough rough road to VICTORY lane. Definitely not for the self-serving or the self-righteous. Get tough on yourself and make it happen. Success is hard work in all areas of life. Water! Weight-training! Words Are Powerful. Be Careful What You Speak! Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Hand of a mighty God.

We have to seek the face of God daily by reading His Word so we know it. By praying in the Holy Spirit daily to keep our faith strength up. By declaring the Word of God to the enemy when he tempts our faith with fear, worry, or doubt. We declare the Word against all that temptation against our spirit.

Winning the BATTLES of the mind.


You Were Made With Purpose and Flair Beyond Comprehension. Embrace Your Savvy to be Unstoppable in His Design


In His Glory, You are an Asset That Doesn’t Depreciate: Time Will Not Ravage For You are Gilded