In His Glory, You are an Asset That Doesn’t Depreciate: Time Will Not Ravage For You are Gilded

When others are upset with you, repeat this: “God is my defender and my fortress”.

“If God is for me, then who can be against me?“ - Romans 8:31.

By the time you realize your worth, you will be worth more. Your time is not refundable. Use it with good intentions. The spirit of God never abandons the child of God. Unconditional love does not mean unconditional access of bad behavior.

Declare: “God in me is my EVERYTHING, therefore I don’t have to worry about ANYTHING.”

Just believe in the power of God in you. Oh Lord, overrule, overturn, and overthrow every plan of the enemy. God can change things in a moment. One of the healthiest habits to learn: Take nothing personally.

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Overthinking will destroy your happiness and your mood. Take a deep breath, exhale and have faith. When you are spiritually mature you won’t fear commitment. You will fear wasting your time. Even if the answer is wait: Trust God. Once you see results, it becomes an addiction.

You are worth it.


Both Defeat and Hardship are Illusions of the Mind, For You Walk the Path to Victory When You Follow His Passage. It Will Never Feel Effortless, but the Reward is Glorious


The Spoken Word Has the Power to Create Worlds; Take Care That This is for the Boon of Others and Not the Detriment of Yourself