The Spoken Word Has the Power to Create Worlds; Take Care That This is for the Boon of Others and Not the Detriment of Yourself

Protect your mind from thought curses or a holier-than-thou attitude.

“The humble will seek their God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God’s help be encouraged today” - (Psalm 69:32).

Let rejection redirect you, not break you. Real people help other people. Do not be fooled by outward glamour; the state of one’s soul determines beauty.

Watch your WORDS for they have power! Life & Death are in the power of your own tongue. Let no corrupt communication come out of your mouth.

You are either building up or tearing down! You can heal or cause ill will with others. And it is all up to you! What are you speaking?

If I took a black marker and wrote the words you spoke yesterday all over your body ,would you still be handsome or beautiful?

Proverbs 18:21 says, “Life and Death are in the power of your own tongue.” CHOOSE LIFE!


In His Glory, You are an Asset That Doesn’t Depreciate: Time Will Not Ravage For You are Gilded


Let Not Word or Wish Escape Your Lips Without Deliberation of Your Truest Intent