When Given the Opportunity to Either Give a Piece of Your Mind or Your Heart, Go With Your Heart. It Does Not Always Pay to be Right, but Kindness is Beyond Value. Make Your Choice.

The problem is not the problem. It is the way we think and handle the problem that makes it the problem.

Be tougher than your life is. No rain, no flowers. You will never solve a problem with the same mindset that created it.

Pray. Stay humble. Make a plan. Work hard. Succeed. Praise God. Set new goals.

Life has no remote. Get up and make that kindness change.

Increase your effort. SMALL steps EVERY day.

In life, what you really want will never come easy. Be yourself, but be your BEST SELF. A diamond was a chunk of coal. You have got to train your mind to be stronger than that rejection, those lies, that anger, those deadly emotions or else you will lose every time.


TODAY is another chance to get it right.

Don’t complain; we all have to work on this.


When You Reminisce on History, Rarely are People Remembered for Success or Wealth. The Kind are Revered as Saints and the Selfish Condemned as Tyrants. Live the Way You Wish to be Remembered.


Your Beliefs and the Things You Speak are Your Morals. The Choices You Make and the Actions You Take are Different. They Are the Truest Reflection of Who You Are. Are You Happy to Hear This?