When You Reminisce on History, Rarely are People Remembered for Success or Wealth. The Kind are Revered as Saints and the Selfish Condemned as Tyrants. Live the Way You Wish to be Remembered.

If you want to live in kindness, work for it. It is that simple.

Make it Happen. No matter the situation, never allow your deadly emotions to overpower your kindness behavior.

It will hurt. It will take time. It will require dedication. It will require prayer. It will require sacrifice. It will require willpower. And of course there will always be TEMPTATION.

But I pray, I promise you, when you change your mindset and attitude to kindness, it is WORTH IT.

You feel empowered. And you feel clean. People often say it doesn’t last. Neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend working on yourself daily.

Surround yourself with people who push you and have the same kind of dreams.

You have to convince your mind daily. What consumes your mind will control your life.

“Be not conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, for your proving what is the will of God - the good, and acceptable, and perfect.” - Romans 12:2.

What YOU THINK, you become.


Wouldn’t it be Amazing to Measure Your Age in Friendships Rather than Rotations Around the Sun? This is Your Chance to Think on Life Differently, Be Happier, and Quantify Your Life in Smiles.


When Given the Opportunity to Either Give a Piece of Your Mind or Your Heart, Go With Your Heart. It Does Not Always Pay to be Right, but Kindness is Beyond Value. Make Your Choice.