Wouldn’t it be Amazing to Measure Your Age in Friendships Rather than Rotations Around the Sun? This is Your Chance to Think on Life Differently, Be Happier, and Quantify Your Life in Smiles.

Forget that ugly mistake, remember the beautiful lesson.

No excuses. No complaining. STAY HUMBLE.

Declare: “I do not want to be around drama, conflict, or stress. I want to be around others who want to live happy, no matter what they are facing. I want to be around others who build up others in life.”

Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit. Life is ten percent what has happened to you, and ninety percent of how you have responded to it.

BE KIND! I know I can, so I will.

Sometimes you will be presented with the same thing in a different package to see if YOU LEARNED ANYTHING.

If it makes you feel beautiful or handsome, then DO IT. Remember, when God is on your side, whoever is on the other side PUSHING AGAINST you is NO MATCH for God.


The Right to Make Choices is the Gift of Mankind. It is in the Choice to be Good that Defines You as Human and not Beast. Make Your Choice.


When You Reminisce on History, Rarely are People Remembered for Success or Wealth. The Kind are Revered as Saints and the Selfish Condemned as Tyrants. Live the Way You Wish to be Remembered.