Your Beliefs and the Things You Speak are Your Morals. The Choices You Make and the Actions You Take are Different. They Are the Truest Reflection of Who You Are. Are You Happy to Hear This?

You are not born a winner, nor are you are not born a loser. YOU ARE BORN A CHOOSER.

Your attitude is contagious. Work on yours with kindness so it is worth catching.


Keep others out of your business as you stay out of trouble not getting into theirs.

Life is short, live it well.

Surround yourself with kindness and freedom. No Toxic People Allowed. Stay away from gossip, backstabbing, bullying, downplaying, finger pointing, gaslighting, and getting into others business.

The easiest way to solve a problem is to STOP participating in the problem.

You are what you do, not what you say.

If you learn kindness along with self-control, you can master anything with the Master of the Universe: God. Do it over and over until it is your attitude in life.

Do it now. Later becomes never.


When Given the Opportunity to Either Give a Piece of Your Mind or Your Heart, Go With Your Heart. It Does Not Always Pay to be Right, but Kindness is Beyond Value. Make Your Choice.


As Light Illuminates Shadow and Sun Melts Ice, So Does Kindness Overcome Intolerance and Misunderstanding to Heal the Wounds of Divide.