As Light Illuminates Shadow and Sun Melts Ice, So Does Kindness Overcome Intolerance and Misunderstanding to Heal the Wounds of Divide.

No pressure, NO DIAMONDS.

Two words you should never say: ‘I CAN’T’.

Pressure creates diamonds. Fire refines gold.

If you can’t handle stress, you won’t manage success. Remember pearls don’t lie on the seashore either.


Keep calm. ADAPT. Carry on.

Do not live like you are an unhealthy thinker. Everything you need is on the other side of kindness.

You can if you think you can. Kindness is a decision. Live your life with purpose. STOP underestimating yourself.

Before you SPEAK, let your words pass through the kindness gate. You really can choose to free yourself from anything toxic.

Your strongest muscle is your mind. TRAIN IT WELL.

It is time to focus on what matters. And it is kindness. We are what we believe we are.


Your Beliefs and the Things You Speak are Your Morals. The Choices You Make and the Actions You Take are Different. They Are the Truest Reflection of Who You Are. Are You Happy to Hear This?


The Restoration of the World Starts with Balancing Oneself, Progresses in Outward Kind Deeds, and Ends in Another Taking on your Creed.