Take Now To Draft the Next Installment of Your Life. Be In Collaboration With God to Author Your Story

Realize you are never alone. Get ready for JANUARY: chapter 1 of 12. Your favorite age is now. Best. Age. Ever. Shine is your favorite color. Be real, not perfect. TIME is now. Your smile is the best thing you can wear. Dream. Create. Inspire. Style is a way to say who you are. Be you. Do you. For you. 365 New Chances. No amount of evidence will ever persuade a fool. You just have to keep it all real with living your responsibility. Darkness cannot win because Jesus, the LIGHT, already won. Even your whispered Prayers are always heard. At this point in life, just make sure God is pleased with you. Stop trying to prove your worth by telling people what’s best for them. A person who found peace instead of revenge can never be bothered by anyone. BE KIND. No Exceptions. God will never let what you lost be the best you ever had. I will never get tired of saying, “Thank you God.” I pray this has inspired you!


Persevere! Persist in Asking For All You Are Worth, And Match His Energy In Your Own Effort to Attain These Blessings


Embolden Yourself in Supernal Fervor. Inspire Others to be Zealous Instead of Jealous