Persevere! Persist in Asking For All You Are Worth, And Match His Energy In Your Own Effort to Attain These Blessings

Ask Him again! Do not shy away from asking The Lord anything again. I have prayed about certain situations for over 46 years and I am still asking! He always provides just enough to keep you going in the right direction. DO NOT EVER GIVE UP! Keep asking! Do not get discouraged or feel defeated. There is a greater purpose through your level of pain. Be secure in our mighty God that He holds the keys to life and death. He will provide the way to your situation. He has done it for me. The hardest thing to do…. is to wait. But while you wait if you just keep on practicing the pause, praising the Lord, and moving forward with your purpose, His plan is birthed right in your heart with great peace and perseverance. It’s all an opportunity to serve our mighty God and His children. ASK HIM AGAIN!


Keep Dialogue Open With the Lord: A Proper Conversation on Your Part Requires More Give Than Take and the Forbearance to Truly Listen


Take Now To Draft the Next Installment of Your Life. Be In Collaboration With God to Author Your Story