Keep Dialogue Open With the Lord: A Proper Conversation on Your Part Requires More Give Than Take and the Forbearance to Truly Listen

BEFORE you react out of your emotions, respond with prayer; just talk to God. Zipper up otherwise. WHATEVER it is, do it with all of your heart, not your mouth. A heart that loves people will always be young: old enough to do better, and young enough to do it. Learn your part in others’ lives so you won’t OVERPLAY your part. It’s just that plain and simple. Your heart should be at peace because you know God is working it. Jesus did not say to follow other Christians, He said “Follow ME.” If you see anything good in me it’s Jesus. Once God is clear, the voices of others won’t matter. You can’t do this alone. No one can starve anyone that God is feeding. Praise the Lord. My game plan is God’s plan. The secret is God. God will open doors. Isaiah 22:22. Be kind to the unkind. Stay with God. Don’t quit.


Let Not Word or Wish Escape Your Lips Without Deliberation of Your Truest Intent


Persevere! Persist in Asking For All You Are Worth, And Match His Energy In Your Own Effort to Attain These Blessings