Embolden Yourself in Supernal Fervor. Inspire Others to be Zealous Instead of Jealous

Hold on!!! Never lose your sparkle. Be amazing everywhere you go today. Your brain has a delete button. Listen to faith filled messages daily and stop negative thinking. Have complete faith in God to move those mountains. Have patience. God will provide, your health is an investment. Stay kind or keep quiet. It doesn’t matter who came against you. You were not buried in their dark opinions: YOU WERE PLANTED. Grow in grace, grow in agape love, grow in kindness, grow in fervent prayer. JUST GROW up in SPIRITUAL MATURITY. It matters. Philippians 4:8. Psalm 1:1-3. Romans 8:28. Ephesians 6:10-20 Proverbs 18 Galatians 5:22-23. The Word has the power to change your mindset. Think on these things.


Take Now To Draft the Next Installment of Your Life. Be In Collaboration With God to Author Your Story


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