Take Accountability in God’s Plan

Did you know sooner or later we will have to answer for our choices and our words? Eventually it will be your circumstances that will force you to be accountable. Romans 3:19. You will never change your life until YOU change something! Cursing and blessing cannot come out of the same mouth. James 3:10. Thinking of changing yourself is a mindset. Be optimistic for you will see opportunity in every difficulty. Declare: Lord keep my soul learning and my mind wise. And of course God came through. By His wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5. Jesus is the key of everything. World War 3 is Spiritual. Prepare your hearts. The BATTLE for your soul is real. Stand on God’s Word. I have never heard of a dying believer regret that he was a Christian. Work on your soul man. Stand firm on your prayers for change. Be honorable with your word. Do the right thing. Your right choices will bring you peace and you will live unashamed. This is a key to a spiritually mature, victorious life. We make wrong choices but we do not want wrong results.

Move when God says move, not when people THINK you should move. Have closure with some but still love them and pray for them. You just cannot be a people pleaser your whole life and you can’t change another person only yourself. When God says move, do it with loving kindness, forgiveness, and prayer. God is in control over everything. What you don’t want is the Holy Spirit to leave you. Stay in self- control, praise and worship prepare your heart daily by surrendering yourself to the presence of the Holy Spirit. Live out your God Given Purpose.

This day choose in what you will serve and anchor yourself in joy, peace, and love. Do not allow deadly emotions seek discouragement. Take over your day with a grateful heart and faith in God. Every day is a divine gift. Stay steadfast in faith YOU are a child of God. He holds victory in store to those who seek Him. We all have challenges in all areas of our life, discouragement too. Make a conscious choice and choose to be glad. Rejoice and be glad You have the power of choice embrace that and live today with gratitude. Greater blessings are around the corner. Welcome today with great gladness do not try to unravel life. We have and serve a mighty God. Rejoice and be glad NO SELF PITY that does not define you. I delight in this day with great joy and I will celebrate today.

Do not be fooled. God is not mocked. You will pick what you plant over everything. Protect your thoughts for they will become your words. No fear you have authority over the enemy, Luke 10:19. Help yourself out with what YOU Speak! Proverbs 18:21. Walk by faith in God not by others circumstances or opinions. That’s what will cloud your God Given Vision.


Reinforce Your Faith and Refocus


Be Determined. Be Motivated. Be Deliberate.