Be Determined. Be Motivated. Be Deliberate.

You won’t always be MOTIVATED. Protect your spirit. CALM is a superpower. You cannot fake passion. I release the old so that the new can enter. The talkers are not strong; the strong don’t talk just to talk. Say a little and say it well. He who keeps his tongue will keep his friends. Trust the unknown for you serve a great God. Be the one who smiles rather than the one who rages. God already pulled you out of that pit, so you could go back in and get more people out. It is time to start being a loyal prayer warrior with your own peace of mind. Bad behavior usually belongs to the uncontrolled. If we are in Christ we are a new creature and we walk by faith and the fruit of the Holy Spirit so we have Self-control in Jesus. Spiritual Maturity Success is a decision. You are shaped by your mind. As a man thinkith, in his heart so is he. Proverbs 23:7. Sometimes it is not the devil; it’s the decision.


Take Accountability in God’s Plan


The Beginning Doesn’t Determine the End.