Reinforce Your Faith and Refocus

What is your situation? No matter how dirty your past is, your future is spotless because of Jesus. Don’t miss out on something that could be great just because it could also be difficult. Challenge yourself to control the way you respond! That’s where your power is. You will never be able to control anything or anyone else! Raise your words not your voice. Funny how we all ask or beg God to change our situations, not knowing He put us in those situations. DON’T LOSE HOPE. Think about the good you can do right now. I am a great believer of hope. I am not losing my faith in God. Faith in God changes everything. Refocus. Things always have a way of working out. Never underestimate the POWER of Prayer, faith in God, and His Love! Take a deep breath, smile and start again.

My friends, life flys by quickly. Find out your God Given passion which will be your purpose and DO THAT! Yesterday, when we were out, I heard a baby being fussy, and it made me sad because it brought back tender memories when I saw the young mom getting uncomfortable. So, I went up to her to reassure her not to be troubled or discouraged. I shared with her how quickly life will fly bye and to just take a deep breath and relax and to enjoy every precious moment of her beautiful baby boy. There is enough trying times in this world. A baby’s cry is actually all about our life on earth that shines a beacon of life to one we serve a MIRACLE Working Mighty God. God Himself is with us through all the cries in this life. And to know we all need to endure to the end of this life. Enjoy Every Precious Moment as we are rooted and grounded in the Love of God. We have ETERNAL treasures awaiting us! This life won’t last forever. Do not let our own weaknesses pull us down. There is a THRONE waiting for us. Be prepared. Faith in God pleases Him and entrust your soul to Him.


Hope Will Overcome Doubt


Take Accountability in God’s Plan