Acceptance is the Key to a Heart Filled with Gratitude. Complaints are Barriers to Blessings, But Trust in God’s Plan Opens the Floodgates of His Love. Find Peace and Fulfillment in His Perfect Will.

The problem is that some are trying to sit at tables that God sent you to flip!

We all have to tighten up our walk with God. No one can turn God against you, but you have to keep your relationship with God solid.

A huge part of ministry is to put your home in order before leading others.

  • No complaining.

  • No opinions.

  • No finger-pointing.

This chapter is called: ‘They Are Not Your Assignment’. You may have done enough already.

Mind Your Own Business.

The proof that God has blessed you is not in material things: It’s the SPIRIT of CHRIST in you.

GREATNESS comes from the heart, mind, and soul. You have to do the WORK!

You can mute people in real life too. It’s called BOUNDARIES.

I pray that God heals whatever is hurting you!


Just As David Faced Goliath With Faith, We Too Can Conquer Our Giants With God’s Strength. His Power Within Us Makes The Impossible Possible. Stand Firm In His Promises And Watch Your Giants Fall.


Complaining is a Sign of Distrust in God’s Plan. Faith Transforms Our Perspective, Revealing His Goodness in Every Trial. Trust in Him, and Experience the Peace That Surpasses Understanding.