Complaining is a Sign of Distrust in God’s Plan. Faith Transforms Our Perspective, Revealing His Goodness in Every Trial. Trust in Him, and Experience the Peace That Surpasses Understanding.

“Look what [God] has done. The enemy did everything he could do. Look how [He] has made me new. In my heart, in my mind, and in my soul.” - Lyrics from Tasha Layton, ‘Look What You’ve Done'.

The Holy Spirit never abandons the child of God. Don’t chase Him away by your actions.

Only insecure people speak badly about others as an underhanded way of praising themselves.

Anyone spoiling your name be exposed in Jesus’ name. Every mouth saying wrong about you in order to get sympathy is condemned in the mighty name of Jesus.

For every loss, God is going to bless you with better. God will connect Kingdom people together for the advancement of His Kingdom.

When encountering a controlling individual, there is a demonic spirit driving them.

When God steps in, MIRACLES HAPPEN. God has been so merciful to cover you.

One Thing I Know. Those prayers work.


Acceptance is the Key to a Heart Filled with Gratitude. Complaints are Barriers to Blessings, But Trust in God’s Plan Opens the Floodgates of His Love. Find Peace and Fulfillment in His Perfect Will.


God’s Plan is Greater Than Our Understanding. Complaints Only Breed Discontent, But Faith Brings Clarity. Embrace His Will, and Experience the Fullness of His Love.