Just As David Faced Goliath With Faith, We Too Can Conquer Our Giants With God’s Strength. His Power Within Us Makes The Impossible Possible. Stand Firm In His Promises And Watch Your Giants Fall.

Facing Giants*

You are not facing that giant alone. God is with you.

The more they persecute you, the more God will bless you.

Declare: “Long story short, GOD SAVED MY LIFE.”

Don’t let the hard days win. Your enemies will surely fall into the pit they dug for you this day and you will be blessed in the mighty name of Jesus. Every time you don’t know how you are going to do it, God shows up.

You just need to learn to be okay with not being included. Sometimes it is God’s way of PROTECTING you!

Focus on giants, you will stumble. Focus on God, giants tumble!

I pray for faith like Daniel in the lion’s den. I pray for hope like Moses in the desert. I crave a heart like David, Lord be my defense so I may face my giants with confidence from you.

The enemy is defeated.

All you need is faith and THE ROCK and you will defeat your giant.


When Giants Loom Large, Faith In Jesus Gives Us The Courage To Stand Tall. His Presence Turns Our Fear Into Strength. Trust In Him And Face Your Giants With Unwavering Confidence.


Acceptance is the Key to a Heart Filled with Gratitude. Complaints are Barriers to Blessings, But Trust in God’s Plan Opens the Floodgates of His Love. Find Peace and Fulfillment in His Perfect Will.