Reflect Earnestly on All Facets of Your Life: Nothing is Wasted

Do not think that you lost good years being loyal to some toxic people out there? God uses everything. Peace of mind is forgiving people without speaking to them because it is not a grudge; it protects your mental health. If you get distant, you have learned your place. All we get are time and choices. We must be wise with both. Those who plant trouble and cultivate evil will harvest the same. Job 4:8. Patience wins the race. You can be so lost without Jesus. It can be dangerous to mistreat people who love God. Others have killed your name privately, but God is about to honor your life publicly. You are special in the eyes of Jesus Christ. Tell your mountain about your God. Only God can judge you. One week they love you, next week they hate you, but both weeks you got paid. Rise above it. Protect your spirit. If you are unhappy, that is on you. God’s got your back. You have work to do!


Glorious Gems Form Within: Crafted from External Pressures


God Goes Before You. Follow Your Unique Path to Virtue