Glorious Gems Form Within: Crafted from External Pressures

Stay prepared by seeking God’s Kingdom FIRST to know who you are in Christ. Matthew 6:33. This is true peace, righteousness, and joy, in the Holy Spirit. Make no mistake about getting advice from others who are not cut from the same cloth. Try saying nothing negative for 24 hours straight and you watch your life change. Promise yourself no matter how bad people treat you, never become a bad person. Stay kind, God knows the beauty of your heart! CHOSEN - 1 Peter 1:2.

Do not fill your mind with any thoughts of negativity at all. You are more than a conqueror. Greater is He who lives in you than he who lives in the world. You are blessed and highly valued by God. STOP listening to the naysayers and those who would live your life and see you fall. Do not be concerned about those who have lied about you, that is really more about them. Stay in faith and walk by faith and not by what you see. God is for you, not against you. Others see the jewel inside of you and that is the reason they are coming against you. Others sooner or later will see their true colors of being a toxic person. Do not revenge, for VENGEANCE belongs to the Lord. Amen.


There is No Happenstance in Providence


Reflect Earnestly on All Facets of Your Life: Nothing is Wasted