God Goes Before You. Follow Your Unique Path to Virtue

Did you know that the opinions of others do not matter, and they never will? Opinions are only important to the one that speaks them. Mind Your Own Business and work on yourself to be a better you. Minding your own business is a Superpower. And it creates PEACE everywhere you go. Work on your own mental health. Your family situation. Your children. Your hope and your dreams. It doesn’t even matter if others have the same last name. If the Lord didn’t tell you or show you… Well, keep seeking Him until He orders your footsteps. One step at a time.

Power Point: Work on yourself, your own marriage, your home, your health, your family. And continue to mind YOUR OWN BUSINESS. God is up to something BIG!! Walk by faith and never by what you see or hear about others. God holds the keys to your future not anyone else’s opinion. So what you if messed up; who hasn’t? Forgive yourself and move right along! Let the naysayers talk and squawk! Let them finger point. Minding your own business is a supernatural superpower. It does work! You keep on becoming a better you to help the Kingdom of God. Side note: NEWSFLASH: You are not perfect and neither am I. We all need the Holy Spirit to start our beautiful day!

Do not fill your mind with any thoughts of negativity at all. You are more than a conqueror. Greater is He who lives in you than he who lives in the world. You are blessed and highly valued by God. STOP listening to the naysayers and those who would live your life see you fall. Do not be concerned about those who have lied about you, that is really more about them. Stay in faith and walk by faith and not by what you see. God is for you, not against you. Others see the jewel inside of you and that is the reason they are coming against you. Others sooner or later will see their true colors of being a toxic person. Do not revenge, for VENGEANCE belongs to the Lord. Amen.


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