Do Not Accept Defeat: Embrace Your God-Given Gifts

A winner never whines. Never jealous. Never intimidated. Never in competition. I have my own gifts and blessings. AND SO DO YOU! Take a few minutes to sit quietly and be thankful for all that you do have and to thank God for what didn’t happen. Your prayers do not have an expiration date. Celebrate yourself loudly this week. God will heal all those parts of you that you are ashamed of. He did that for me. He will do that for you. To produce Holy Spirit fruit you must stay connected to the vine. Accept that situation and move on. Be you…not them. ATTITUDE IS A DECISION. Listen before you speak, for to speak before you have heard the facts will bring humiliation. Proverbs 18:13. We are all flawed. Tighten up your walk with God, it’s getting crucial out there.


God Goes Before You. Follow Your Unique Path to Virtue


Bitterness Taints Truth, But Forgiveness Feeds Enlightenment