Bitterness Taints Truth, But Forgiveness Feeds Enlightenment

Life & Death are in the power of your own tongue! Proverbs 18:21. Choose your words wisely and do not get offended. It is so worth it to forgive yourself for the things you have done and work on yourself. We all have made mistakes for various circumstances but that does not mean that we are not forgiven. We must always forgive others too. Unforgiveness will cause a root of bitterness if not dealt with. I have messed up and so have you. But do not get stuck.

What a beautiful gift of the heart. We can work on ourselves to see others this way by connecting to the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. He is an amazing teacher and guide. The Holy Spirit can and will guide you and me into all TRUTH! Seek the face of God as soon as your feet hit the floor out of bed. Seek God and declare from the Word who God says you are and shows us how to change our mind. Romans 12:1 & 2. Ephesians 6:10-20 suit up daily. And think on these things: Philippians 4:8. The JOY of the Lord is your strength and peace which will be your happiness. Stay in prayer, praise & worship to God!! We are all on a journey to improve ourselves. Examine yourself. Encourage yourself. Forgive yourself. And forgive others. We all have work to do! This is for you and this is for me. For we all have sinned. No one is better than anyone else. We are all a WORK In PROGRESS! I am rooting for you, I pray you are rooting for me too. Have an amazing, beautiful, blessed, supernatural day, in Jesus.


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