Construct a Citadel in God’s Love

Things are going to be alright. Release your power in me, walk me through the trials in life Lord. Do what you are famous for! Trade it in for something better! The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. SOMETHING BETTER! Seek the Word of God. Pursue God’s face. Believe the PROMISES in the Word of God. Abide in Him. Love one another. Pray daily that the Lord will fill you with the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that you will walk by the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. His name is VICTORY. By His Spirit I will rise. What are we waiting for? What are we saving for? No more time to waste for we can be the light to shine on someone’s life. Love better. You, love better. What are we wasting time on? We can be the light wherever we go today. There is no fear because I believe. I have a hope and strength in God’s strength, MY fortress.


Bitterness Taints Truth, But Forgiveness Feeds Enlightenment


Choose Grace. You Are Now, and Will Always Be Enough