Do Not Be Limited By What You Believe You Cannot Accomplish. Even If You Believe You Cannot Write a Novel, Write a Page. In Consistency, With a Page Written Everyday, Soon You’ll Have an Anthology.

In a few months, you will thank yourself for not giving up.

Do what others won’t do to make it happen. You get what you work for, not what you wish for.

Repeat that.

Stop saying tomorrow. The greatest victory is to conquer Thy Self.

Productivity is not a magic thing. It is called discipline.

Life is tough. Envy comes out of an act of disappointment in oneself.


Your life will never change until you change something you do daily.

It’s NO SECRET; Success is found in what you decide to do DAILY. That’s it.

Declare: “This is a new era of me.”

You have to be willing to go to war with yourself and create a whole new identity in Christ.

Don’t talk; act.

Don’t say; show.

Don’t promise; prove.

Declare: “I will stay committed to my daily routines and habits, that start out with seeking God first.”

Focus on what’s good, true, honest, and pure.


Triumph is Not the Culmination, Nor is Failure Cataclysmic. You Must Continue Forward Regardless, As This Perseverance is Your Constitution.


Eminence is a State of Being, a Habit. It is a Conscious Decision to Continuously Repeat an Action, Not Because We Want to, but Because it is Necessary for Transcendence.