Eminence is a State of Being, a Habit. It is a Conscious Decision to Continuously Repeat an Action, Not Because We Want to, but Because it is Necessary for Transcendence.

Accept nothing but the BEST from yourself.

Note To Self: Stop wasting time on things that are not important.

No excuses.

If we are not willing to work on becoming better in all areas of our life, then why are we complaining?

Declare: “Average will not be my LEGACY.”

Stay humble along the way to success.

Remember this: Tough times never last, but tough people do!

Pray like it all depends on God, but do the work like it all depends on you.

Tip of The Day:

Ignore what people think of you, WORK HARDER, especially when no one is watching. Make unbreakable habits! In conquering that negativity against discipline, you will realize a strength that you have never had.

Declare: “I am more than a conqueror in Jesus. For I can do all things in Christ, for He has equipped me before the foundations of the earth. More than a conqueror.”

Discipline, you have to show up even on bad days!!


Do Not Be Limited By What You Believe You Cannot Accomplish. Even If You Believe You Cannot Write a Novel, Write a Page. In Consistency, With a Page Written Everyday, Soon You’ll Have an Anthology.


Think Upon What You Were Born to Do. Were You Born to Huddle by a Fire For Creature Comfort and Warmth? Or Were You Born to Grow Your Spirit and Better this World? Let This Inspire Your Discipline.