Think Upon What You Were Born to Do. Were You Born to Huddle by a Fire For Creature Comfort and Warmth? Or Were You Born to Grow Your Spirit and Better this World? Let This Inspire Your Discipline.

Time in not refundable, decide to use it with great intention.

Your mind is the weapon, keep it loaded with God’s promises.

Time is also precious, spend it wisely.

Upgrade your life in perfect silence.

Discipline is always remembering what you want.

Be private, not everyone wants the best for you.

Stay teachable.

All those days that break you are the days that make you.

You have no time to battle egos.

That breakthrough you are looking for is in the work you’re avoiding.

You will run out of time if you procrastinate.


Examine what you tolerate too.

All of those accomplishments started with a decision and a desire to stay disciplined.

Success hits differently when no one believes in you.

To all the doors that closed on you, JUST WAIT!

Focus on the positive steps, your prayer life, your goal list, your actions and attitude; now you see the staircase.

Understand the discipline mission you are on, no one can distract you! They cannot copy your spirit, stay close to the Holy Spirit!

Great things are happening. Just keep believing.


Eminence is a State of Being, a Habit. It is a Conscious Decision to Continuously Repeat an Action, Not Because We Want to, but Because it is Necessary for Transcendence.


While You Cannot Control the Events of the World, You Can Control Your Mind. You Alone Make the Decisions that Shape Your World. That is Powerful.