While You Cannot Control the Events of the World, You Can Control Your Mind. You Alone Make the Decisions that Shape Your World. That is Powerful.

Fruits of Self-Control.

Your prayer life daily is a must.

  • Mastering your attitude and emotions.

  • Watching your words.

  • Controlling your reactions.

  • Sticking to a schedule.

  • Managing your finances.

  • Maintenance of good health.

Without the Self-Control, which is discipline, success is impossible. Period.

Anger is a weakness. Calmness is a spiritual maturity strength.

Self-control is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Each day you must choose.

If you are tired, do it tired.

Staying disciplined leads to greatness.

Declare: “I am capable of making tough choices. I think clearly and I am focused on strong steps for success. Self-discipline is a beautiful investment for my spiritual maturity and my success.”

You may not enjoy being disciplined, but you will enjoy all of the results.

Success is 1% plan and 99% action steps.

The good and the wise lead humble lives.

You will get what you choose to repeat: mindset, discipline, attitude, being prepared, and seeking God first thing daily.

Things money can’t buy, but they will enrich your life and take you to places you never dreamed off.

Glory to God.

Push yourself to the limit.


Think Upon What You Were Born to Do. Were You Born to Huddle by a Fire For Creature Comfort and Warmth? Or Were You Born to Grow Your Spirit and Better this World? Let This Inspire Your Discipline.


Make a Choice: You Can Have Either What You Want Now or What You Want Most. Not Both. This is the Root of Discipline.