Triumph is Not the Culmination, Nor is Failure Cataclysmic. You Must Continue Forward Regardless, As This Perseverance is Your Constitution.

Discipline. This is what will make your goals a reality.

Never stop doing your best just because others never give you credit. Get used to that.

Dirty water doesn’t stop your beautiful green plants from blooming. So do not let negative tongues stop your growth.

If this is your year for cutting out negativity, you may have to shut some doors on toxic people too.

You also won’t be motivated every day to do your goal list. May I say, do it anyway?!

Some days I win, and some days I don’t. But each and every day I am thankful and grateful and I get back up.

Working out has taught me that discipline of a choice with a challenge is hard work, consistency, and patience. And that your only limit is you.

PROCESS you won’t grow when you are comfortable.

And each day you must choose.

Discipline is the way to a beautiful life!


Make a Choice: Live Either as Though Nothing in This World is a Miracle, or Everything Is. The World is Full of Wonders if You Believe It to Be.


Do Not Be Limited By What You Believe You Cannot Accomplish. Even If You Believe You Cannot Write a Novel, Write a Page. In Consistency, With a Page Written Everyday, Soon You’ll Have an Anthology.