Make a Choice: Live Either as Though Nothing in This World is a Miracle, or Everything Is. The World is Full of Wonders if You Believe It to Be.


You are proof that miracles do happen. Your whole life is a miracle.

Look up and smile and say “ I know it has been all of you, Lord.”

“Because of your faith, it will happen.” - Matthew 9:29.


Never lose hope. Just when you think it’s over, God sends you a miracle.

Also, where great love is displayed, there are always miracles.

Change your perception of what a miracle is and you will see them from the mighty Hand of God wherever you go.

Your life has already been a series of tiny little miracles. Please take a moment to notice them.

Never give up on anyone or anything.

I have seen and have heard miracles happen daily.

Wait without anxiety.

You will not have to beg, borrow, or struggle. God will put you in a great position to receive it.

When you do not know what to do: PRAY until your situation changes.

Our church has been a house of miracles.


Glorious Phenomenon Can Only be Observed in Life When Faith Allows for the Comprehension. One Must Simply Believe.


Triumph is Not the Culmination, Nor is Failure Cataclysmic. You Must Continue Forward Regardless, As This Perseverance is Your Constitution.