In a World of Charity, There is no Excess. Reach Out and Connect with the Struggle of Your Fellow Man. Some Donate Money, Time, Possessions; I Have Seen Lives Changed Just by Being Regarded.

The BEST way to find yourself is to lose yourself in lifting up others.

Charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endures forever. The act of charity without any expectation of anything in return is a true definition of pure love.

It is never about how much we give, but how much love we put into giving. No one is useless in this world who has lightened the burden of others.

Volunteering is a WORK of HEART. We make the LIFE by what we GIVE.

“Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of God’s people. Be content in whatever is your situation.” - Philippians 4:11-12.

YOU can make a DIFFERENCE. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world. Love-in-ACTION leads to healing. Look for the light in others, and treat them as if that is all you see. God is for you.

Something will grow from all you are going through. And it will be YOU.


The Value of Life is Not in Wealth or Recognition. The Legacy of Inheritance of Money is Greed, and of Fame is the Tarnishing of a Once Great Name. True Value is in Deeds and What You Gave to Others.


Meaningful Charity is not About Giving Away Your Surplus. Throwing Your Scraps to a Starved Dog When You are Done Eating is Very Different Than Sharing a Loaf of Bread When You Have Nothing to Spare