The Value of Life is Not in Wealth or Recognition. The Legacy of Inheritance of Money is Greed, and of Fame is the Tarnishing of a Once Great Name. True Value is in Deeds and What You Gave to Others.

LOVE/CHARITY is not what you say, LOVE is what you do and how you act in all situations of LIFE!

Never stop looking up.

The highest form of understanding we can achieve are acts of kindness and agape love.

You will never regret walking in LOVE.

You can’t separate the fool from their foolishness, but you can separate yourself from the fool with kindness.

Tolerance is not a Christian virtue. Love, justice, mercy, forgiveness, prudence, honesty: these are Christian virtues.

A love act is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.

Judge others by what they avoid doing so they can WALK in Love!

“Pride goes before the destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” - Proverbs 16:18.

There is health in LOVE and strength in charity.


As the Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step, so too is the Duty of Bettering the World in the Hands of the Many, Not the Few. Enliven Your Tribe, Your Community; That is Power.


In a World of Charity, There is no Excess. Reach Out and Connect with the Struggle of Your Fellow Man. Some Donate Money, Time, Possessions; I Have Seen Lives Changed Just by Being Regarded.