As the Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step, so too is the Duty of Bettering the World in the Hands of the Many, Not the Few. Enliven Your Tribe, Your Community; That is Power.


This is not an act. It is a LIFESTYLE.

Pour your heart into it. The Bible says, “Do Not Fear” 365 TIMES.

If you pray the world were a better place: VOLUNTEER.

Your LEGACY will be every life you have touched. God has called all of us to be FAITHFUL to our purpose for Him.

Stop cheating on your future with your PAST.


If you do not believe in yourself, who will?

Don’t tell people your dreams. SHOW THEM.

Do good. And it will come back to you. Helping Others is one of the best ways to help yourself.

Charity is not a title. It’s a life skill. Live it.

What is your GIFT? Use it for the Glory of God!


There is a Fragility and Finite Nature to Life that Gives Each Moment so Much Weight. Why Waste Even a Second Actively Being Unhappy?


The Value of Life is Not in Wealth or Recognition. The Legacy of Inheritance of Money is Greed, and of Fame is the Tarnishing of a Once Great Name. True Value is in Deeds and What You Gave to Others.