Meaningful Charity is not About Giving Away Your Surplus. Throwing Your Scraps to a Starved Dog When You are Done Eating is Very Different Than Sharing a Loaf of Bread When You Have Nothing to Spare


In charity there are no excuses. If you want to lift yourself up, go ahead and lift someone else up quickly.

This is a stepping stone to greater love.

Giving is the greatest gift of Grace. Your giving is making a difference. When you learn the lesson, teach the lesson. When you get: give. For it has always been in giving of anything that we have received more.

I have learned to give at a young age, not because I had much, but because I knew exactly how it felt to have NOTHING.

Any act of kindness is considered CHARITY.

True happiness is actually achieved by giving happiness away. Any kind of volunteer does not necessarily have extra time, they just have extra heart.

The act of giving will transform you. No act of giving, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

You are not wealthy until you have something money cannot buy.

Never doubt that a small thoughtful committed act of charity can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.


In a World of Charity, There is no Excess. Reach Out and Connect with the Struggle of Your Fellow Man. Some Donate Money, Time, Possessions; I Have Seen Lives Changed Just by Being Regarded.


The Reality is That One Person Cannot Solve the World’s Problems. However, Tenacity is Contagious, and a Good Deed Done For Another Can Solve the Problem of Their World and That Has Meaning.