The Reality is That One Person Cannot Solve the World’s Problems. However, Tenacity is Contagious, and a Good Deed Done For Another Can Solve the Problem of Their World and That Has Meaning.

You only get ONE life to live. The truth is everyone I have ever met who is successful is a GIVER.

The mirror of a man’s heart is his actions. There is incredible value in being of service to others.

SET AN EXAMPLE: Treat others with respect and kindness, even if they are rude to you - not because they are nice, but because YOU ARE!

There is no SUBSTITUTE for respect and kindness.

Your most POWERFUL testimony is how you treat others after the church service is OVER.

No one becomes poor by giving.

No one is sent by accident to anyone. We can give time if we don’t have money. And we can leave love when our time runs out.

Help somebody without telling EVERYBODY.

One kind word can change someone’s entire day.


Meaningful Charity is not About Giving Away Your Surplus. Throwing Your Scraps to a Starved Dog When You are Done Eating is Very Different Than Sharing a Loaf of Bread When You Have Nothing to Spare


Nothing and No One is Insignificant. We are All Empowered to Relieve Another of Their Hardships. Any Act of Compassion, No Matter How Small it May Seem to You, Can be Priceless to Someone in Need.