Your Personal Philosophy May Need a Revision and Metamorphosis. You Will Not Reach a New Destination Traveling the Same Direction

Your ATTITUDE is the foundation to great SUCCESS. If you do not like what you are “reaping” CHANGE what you are sowing.

Stop pressing rewind on the things that need to be deleted from your life. Sometimes you have to just stop talking because you know it is not going anywhere.

Self-control makes the man, and it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

A man without discipline is a child full of reactions, rather than a man of good actions.

You can’t just slap oil on people and pray! Until they know they need a change they will be just a greasy version of their old self.

Change requires action, discipline, work, daily seeking the face of God, reading the Word, praying in the Spirit, and trusting the Holy Spirit. Set those boundaries to respect your self-growth and it’s not to offend you, but rather to grow you in SPIRITUAL MATURITY.

You are here for purpose not POPULARITY.

Fall on your knees and listen for the Holy Spirit. It is all about what you learn while you are waiting.

Don’t judge yourself by others’ opinions. Get set free.


Do Not be Distracted by the Endeavors of Others. You Have a Function All Your Own, Finite Time, and Will Accomplish so Much More Without Diversion.


History is a Series of Moments: At It’s Origin, it Starts With One Person’s Attitude (Whether it be Positive or Negative) and Ends Impacting the Course of All Life