Do Not be Distracted by the Endeavors of Others. You Have a Function All Your Own, Finite Time, and Will Accomplish so Much More Without Diversion.

365 DAYS. 365 WAYS.

If you want to be successful, prepare to be doubted and tested. Live in peace. Get in your OWN LANE: there is no traffic.

Value does not beg. Invest in yourself, your relationships, your spiritual growth, and your health.

When you don’t care what others THINK, YOU’RE READY to be used by the Holy Spirit.

Stay positive, patient, and persistent. Everytime you forgive, you disappoint the devil.

Do not go back to the ones who knocked you down, just ask God to bless them abundantly. As you have forgiven them, God will do the same for you.That’s the real SUPERPOWER.

Nothing defeats you like your own mind. “Keep it fresh, renewed, transformed by the renewing of your mind.” - Romans 12:2.

My weapon of choice: BOUNDARIES.

Living your naked truth will always disturb those living well-dressed lies.

Protect Your Spirit!!


You Were Sculpted by the Creator as a Masterpiece in His Gallery. Learn to Love Yourself as Such. Then You Can Finally Love Beyond Your Self.


Your Personal Philosophy May Need a Revision and Metamorphosis. You Will Not Reach a New Destination Traveling the Same Direction