You Were Sculpted by the Creator as a Masterpiece in His Gallery. Learn to Love Yourself as Such. Then You Can Finally Love Beyond Your Self.

Declare: “I found someone I never want to lose again, and that’s me.”

Love yourself enough to leave the table when respect is no longer being served. Those who have attacked your character fear you the most.

Sometimes we are tested not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths in our mighty God.

Distance can be your new answer. Get alone with God to renew your spirit and to work on yourself.

It was betrayal that had blessed us all!

A fool is known by his speech and a wise man is known by his silence. Act different if you want different.

You don’t have to attend arguments you are invited to. Never allow the lack of support to deter your God Given Mission. Sit with prayer warriors. The conversation is different.

Declare: “I am healed. I am whole. I am a new creature in Christ. I am directed by the Holy Spirit. I am highly favored by God. I am blessed. I am anointed for the purpose of God!”


Betwixt the Cracks and Crevices in a Garden of Stone, the Flower of Wisdom May Take Root. Make Sure to Tend to the Garden and Uproot the Weeds


Do Not be Distracted by the Endeavors of Others. You Have a Function All Your Own, Finite Time, and Will Accomplish so Much More Without Diversion.