Be Careful Not to Overextend. Remember That if Everything Has Precedence Than Nothing Can Be Priority

You won’t gain anything from stressing.

To go forward you have to leave something behind.

Stop being the total package at the wrong address. Audit your circle. You will inspire some and annoy others.

Never complain.

God is not going to fail you.

Let time expose them. Be careful what you tell others.

If you are too busy to laugh, you are too busy. Lack of time is actually lack of priorities.

Best way to start your day: PRAY!

With God, your need becomes your message.

Be the person who knows their PEACE is their responsibility.

Remember ‘NO’ Is a full sentence.

The most wasted day is the one without laughter. Love yourself enough to work harder. Stop fighting the old; build the new.

You want to change your life? CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK.

Declare: “I’d rather be anointed by God, than be popular.”


Cultivate Your Spirit: Through Prayer Your Devotion is Made Clear and God’s Presence is Made Evident


Hardship Was Designed to Galvanize Ambition. Do Not Be Discouraged; Rise Above Adversity