Hardship Was Designed to Galvanize Ambition. Do Not Be Discouraged; Rise Above Adversity

I am sure you do not enjoy your difficulties any more than I do, but we all need to have a beautiful attitude towards them.

Having the RIGHT ATTITUDE is half the battle won. All of us have good and bad habits.

If we stay stable in a great attitude, especially towards others, God will take care of us.

Your beautiful attitude defeats a selfish one. Satan becomes a defeated foe when you think this way!

It’s exciting to pray for the impossible! The magic you are looking for is in the WORK you are avoiding.

Ask God to help you grow. He will teach you how to forgive, how to pray fervently, and how to work wholeheartedly. And this is the part where you find out who you really are.

Those days that break you are the days that make you.

Follow your plan and not your mood. Go where God leads you.

“Every WORD of God proves true. He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him” - Proverbs 30:5.

God is good. You have a beautiful LIFE.


Be Careful Not to Overextend. Remember That if Everything Has Precedence Than Nothing Can Be Priority


Be Not Concerned with Consternation; Jubilation is Obtained Through Observance and Conversing With the Almighty