Cultivate Your Spirit: Through Prayer Your Devotion is Made Clear and God’s Presence is Made Evident

If you are not spiritually fed, you will be emotionally led.

Life is a gift. Wake up every day and realize that.

Do things that feed your soul, not your ego, and you will be happy.

Just because I post biblical truths doesn’t make me someone that has it all together. Trust me, I NEED JESUS too.

Stop adding people to your life that contribute things you are trying to break free from or have asked God to remove. God is reworking that unfair thing they did to you for your good!

“If we could see what happens in the spiritual realm when we pray, we would never stop.” - Psalm 91:11.

To paraphrase Ephesians 6:10-20: The battle is not yours, but God’s. Put on your armor, pick up your sword, and stand firm next to the One who holds victory.

There is no feeling more powerful than the moment you start to believe your prayers are becoming a reality.


Whether You are Affluent or Destitute, There is Nothing You Can Gift More Precious Than Kindness


Be Careful Not to Overextend. Remember That if Everything Has Precedence Than Nothing Can Be Priority