Consider a New Mindset: Do Not Think of Fasting in Terms of Denying Yourself, but Rather Satiation of Yourself Through the Word of God and Letting This Fuel Your Deeds.

“If God is for us, who can be against us?” - Romans 8:31.

Go to God first, not last.

3 Lessons Learned:

  • Leave people where they are at.

  • Accept situations for what they are.

  • Not every action needs a reaction.

Point Clear.

They told me I couldn’t, and that’s why I did.


“The Lord is on your side, you shall not fear.” - Psalm 118:6.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.

During your fast you shall find out who and what controls you. This will break you out of the world’s routine.

Praying and fasting awakens that hunger for God as we deny ourselves.

The numbing of certain foods, desires, media, relationships, emotions, selfish motives: we will begin to allow God to fill that flesh hunger instead.

Declare: “I Am Working On A New Me.”

This is a supernatural connection. Fasting has always changed me.

This is your reminder to take that deep breath and keep pushing.


Let Hunger and Physical Weakness Remind You In Your Fast That You Are Strong Through That Which the Lord Provides. Reinvigorate Your Humility and Devotion. Find Reward in Discipline.


The Deepest Appetite You Will Ever Experience is the Hunger for God. Removing the Sublunary Indulgences Make More Room for His Influence.