The Deepest Appetite You Will Ever Experience is the Hunger for God. Removing the Sublunary Indulgences Make More Room for His Influence.

Never give up.

God works in mysterious ways. And your Heavenly Father who sees you in secret will reward you.

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.

It is already yours. Start believing it.

It is God’s love alone that gives worth to all things.

Let others believe what they want.

God knows the truth and He sees your heart.

Fasting is part of the whole process of becoming the strongest version of yourself.

“The joy of the Lord will be your strength.” - Nehemiah 8:10.

You will not achieve spiritual maturity with a casual effort.

CHALLENGE yourself and go all in with a plan for fasting this year.

Fear is a form of faith thinking that the enemy can cause more harm than the Lord can cause good.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above.” - James 1:17.


Consider a New Mindset: Do Not Think of Fasting in Terms of Denying Yourself, but Rather Satiation of Yourself Through the Word of God and Letting This Fuel Your Deeds.


During Your Fast, Take Time to Reidentify Hunger and Separate it from Desire. Reflect on the Abundance of Nourishment You Have for Your Body and Soul. Take Nothing for Granted.