Live Life With a Sense of Awe and Wonder. It is a Sublime Thing That Breath, Water, and Morsels Allow All to Live in this World. Understanding this Leads to Intimacy With God and that is Worship

When life is great, WORSHIP.

Worshipping doesn’t change WHAT you deal with. It changes HOW you deal with it.

Declare: “I will not be shaken for He is right beside me. I know the Lord is always with me.”

Remember it is hard to stumble when you’re on your knees.

Always allow your faith to be stronger than your fears.

Give God all of those broken pieces of your life and He will create something beautiful and very special with them. That’s a wonderful reason to worship.

Others are going to have to go through God to get to you this year.

God will make a way. This life is hard, but it will be harder without SPIRITUAL MATURITY. The beauty of all trials is that we GET TO rediscover how faithful God is.

There is a spiritual war happening. Worship God!

The real law of prosperity in any area is generosity. What ever you want more of, GIVE MORE!

No room for average. Declare: “I was designed and destined to be great.”

Everyone’s biggest problem is worrying about other people’s business. That is when you know you need to start worshipping God.

CHOOSE to be responsible for your own business.


It Does Not Take Great Wealth to be Rich. It Takes Gratitude. Prayer is Measured in the Weight of the Heart, Not by the Length of the Long-Winded. Worship With Purpose.


Remember That While God Doesn’t Send Every Difficulty in Life, He Would Only Allow it to Strengthen Your Character and Resolve to Advance You. The Hardships Faced are Reason Still to Worship.